Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gardening = Grounding

Over the course of the last few days, whilst I've been away, I have been practicing one of my favorite ways of grounding. And this is through gardening. My grandma has always had a green thumb, and she passes her wealth of knowledge of the green world to me bit by bit with every visit she makes to my home. Lately it has been about every 2 weeks, since the birth of my daughter, so she can see how quickly she grows! We mulched and added some new plants to my gardens...

The faery ring

Some of my precious guardians, keeping watch over my late-aunt Sandra's hydrangea bush

... and she showed me how to propagate some of our green friends too. My first experiment with this is a cutting from my corkscrew willow.

The grandmother corkscrew willow that provided the cutting

I feel my root chakra opening; I have had issues with it being too closed in the past and this is something I am trying to remedy, although it's a work in progress. I am a type 5 enneagram (more info on that here: and it is very important for people of this personality type to open their root chakra, as we tend to very easily become overwhelmed. The root chakra is related to our unconscious, Mother Earth, our sense of smell and our primitive, or "reptilian" brain. It is associated with all means of survival, including security, money, home and sexuality; it helps us stay connected with the here and now. Very recently I have felt disconnected from many things, having the "brain fog" that many new mothers complain of. Digging in the earth, smelling her soil and introducing new plants into my gardens has helped return my vigor and make me feel more stable, or grounded. I still have a lot of work to do, and will be calling on the benevolent elemental beings that reside here to help turn to tide, as right now it seems to always be "feast or famine". Money matters are my biggest problem and I do believe grounding and clearing my root chakra more often will assist in setting these matters right again.

Well mommy duty calls, so I shall head off now... expect a new post very soon regarding starting your very own faery garden! ~Sprinkling pixie dust and blessings!!~~ xxxxxxx

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Healing with Water

Yesterday was "Heal the Water" day on Facebook, a day set aside for healers, lightworkers and anyone who felt so inclined, to send gratitude to our Earth's water supply and bless it for all it provides us. Water is the ultimate healer, purifying, cleansing and so very powerful...
So it felt right for me to do this. I expressed my grief and remorse for the way mankind has treated our water and the sad state it is in in many places. I sent the water healing and expressed to it my humble gratitude. But then I got thinking, this shouldn't be something we just do once a year. "Heal the Water" day should be every day! Everyday we should show water our ultimate gratitude, even if it just through a simple ritual or prayer for its healing.

A good way to do this is to take time once a day, I usually choose morning time while I'm making a cuppa tea with my breakfast, to just place your power (writing) hand over the glass, mug or teapot that contains the water and make a clockwise spiral 3 times envisioning golden light emanating from your palm into the water. Whilst doing this you can just simply bless and thank the water for sustaining life and offering its power to nourish you today. Another practice I do, again usually while fixing a cuppa, is stirring the water with my finger (or spoon if I happen to be adding honey!) 13 times in a clockwise motion. (On a sidenote: The number thirteen holds a positive association for me, as there are 13 moons in a calendar year and it gives a sense of completion, fulfillment as well as being in touch with the feminine psyche. If another number grabs your attention instead, use it!) This blesses the drink and gives it a warm, powerful "glow" to its aura and makes me feel good and confident that what I'm about to imbibe will serve my greatest need nutritionally and spiritually.

All of this is achieved through the power of intention and the confidence that what you are doing is indeed working and making a difference. And it truly does!!! ~Fae blessings my friends~ xxxxx

Friday, June 24, 2011

Having a busy next two days...

... but I promise I will make some time to check in here! Thankfully I only work part-time after coming back from my maternity leave, any more than that and I think I'd be going insane. There is always too much to do and never enough time when you're a mom. Also, I wish once you had your baby, you automatically grew at least 2 new arms. Kinda like Ganesh...
Agree or no??

Well, I have some big plans for the blog like perhaps a weekly crystal profile and a monthly animal totem, to follow us as we proceed through the seasons. Would love feedback!
~Blessings of pixie and faery dust on you all!~

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Year Ago Today...

This was me on June 22nd of last year, the day before I realized my life (and my body!) were going to change for good!

June 23, 2011 marks one year to the day that I found out I was going to become a mommy! It is so hard to imagine what life was like before my precious little Olivia joined our family. I remember walking into Target on a hot, sunny and sticky day in June around noon to buy a pregnancy test. It'll probably be negative I thought, but it's best to check. Only, I couldn't wait til I got home to take it. The anticipation began to consume me and the reality that it could be positive was all I could think of. So I bought the test, a 3 pack of First Response and took it in their restroom and proceeded... And you can imagine my surprise when the 2 pink lines started to appear almost immediately indicating I was with child. I ran out to the car to show my husband and I had the feeling of a million butterflies in my stomach. I don't think my jaw left the ground all day. It was so magical and wonderful. I can never forget that day, but to think it's already been a year? It feels like I've done a time warp. This is what so many have warned me about becoming a parent; from here on out time will fly so fast, it'll almost make your head spin. So much has occured in the past 12 months and it all started with this day one year ago. Thanks be to the Universe for allowing things to happen just as they should, and my little blessing greets me everyday to remind me of this. And to always be thankful. ~Love and light blessings to you all~ xxxxx

Sun Salutations

One of my favorite ways to relieve stress is yoga. Yoga is also beneficial in creating a meditative state for me, where my breath and body are linked and I am completely "in the moment," present in the here and now. During the summer solstice is a very popular time to perform sun salutations to soak up the energy from the sun to carry with you through the rest of the year, for now until the winter solstice the sun's energy wanes and the days slowly become shorter and shorter...

But for now, the sun reigns high in the sky and below I will share with you a sun salute/meditation and mantra to perform outside, in nature, barefoot, completely connected to our Mother Earth.

I started facing South in Mountain pose, but whatever direction calls you is the best direction for you to start in. You will perform one sun salute facing all 4 directions, to call the energies of all the elements. With arms raised into the sky, bring your hands to namaste at your chest/heart chakra and say "I thank you for today." Circle arms out and upward arching your back ever so slightly, then swoop down and say "I thank the Mother Earth..." while laying your hands upon her and then bring your hands upward moving into Chair pose. With arms upward and hands cradling the sun say "...and I thank the Father Sun for all the blessings that have come my way." Then ease upward and out of Chair pose into Mountain pose again, bringing hands back into namaste at your chest. Repeat "I thank you for today" and send your gratitude out from your heart into the universe. Repeat for the other 3 directions, moving in a clockwise manner.

After performing this, I felt full of energy and love. It was invigorating! I recommend it to all who are able to perform it. And if for some reason you cannot, just repeat the mantra with your regular meditations, it is a great way to send your gratitude for all you have been blessed with and by sending it out, it will surely return to you! ~Fae blessings!~

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Solstice, fellow bloggers and followers!!

As with all days of power in the wheel of year, the summer solstice, Midsummer or Litha as it is known in different circles, is a typical time when all acts of magic are performed and the veil between this world and that of the fae is thin. Upon my time in nature these past few days to celebrate, I had a yearning to do a tarot reading for myself as it has been quite a while since the last... and my chaotic life lately warrented a bit of digging through my unconscious to help me decide which way to turn. The card I drew in the spread that was to describe "What I like most about myself" was Strength, VIII. As you may know this card shows an elegant woman robed in white with the infinity symbol above her head, symbolizing the infinite power of the universe at her fingertips, and she is bending forward, ever so gently yet assertively clasping her hands around the muzzle of a lion. "WOW" is all I could think. Then the goosebumps appeared on my arms. I felt an immediate surge of empowerment and energy, like pure sunlight coursing through my veins! Finally the nudge I needed to push me over the edge of the precipice I have been on... I needed to find a good way to get out all the swirling thoughts in my head, especially since the birth of my daughter just over 3 short months ago. What better way to funnel these thoughts, feelings and inspirations from the divine then by starting a blog? Well here it is, I am so glad I did this and I hope to meet many new people from my soul family here, to share all our stories. Until next time... may the wee folk bless you and your's!