Thursday, July 7, 2011

Your Relationship Tarot

Have you ever wanted to gain insight into your relationship with you partner? Well anyone can and it is as simple as adding up your combined birthdays, for example...

My birthday 11/5/1986
My husband's birthday 7/23/1981
So the equation would be 11+5+1986+7+23+1981=4013

Then you need to break down the sum into an even smaller number, one that is 22 or lower.

Thus 4+1+3=8

This is because there are 22 cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot and whatever the final sum of the equation is what card will correspond with the relationship you are divining. (The Fool will have to count as #22 instead of 0 in this instance, because obviously the numbers of your birthdays cannot be added to make a sum of zero!) For my husband and I, our card is Strength. Last month I wrote about this card as it was in a spread that I pulled for myself, and it represented the quality I like most about myself. So it is such a "coincidence" (I put that in quotes because I do not believe that things are simply coincidences; I believe all things happen for a reason) that it just happens to be our card as well. This card is associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, which just happens to be my husband's too. It represents the emotional/mental, not necessarily physical, inner strength inside of us, our ability to take control of our life (as the figure in the card is represented by quelling a lion simply by placing her hands around its muzzle) and also being able to forgive the flaws and imperfections of others. WOW! It gives me so much insight into our relationship and reminds me that no matter how hard it gets, and believe me we have had a tough road, we'll always be strong enough to persevere and come out on top.

So go ahead, add up you and your partner's birthdays and see what archetype of the Tarot's Major Arcana represents your relationship! (I'm including this chart below as a quick reference for your convenience! Remember, The Fool equals 22 in this type of spread, so Magician is 1, High Priesess is 2, etc.)

~Blessings of the fae to you always!~ xxxx

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