Friday, July 1, 2011

Starting Your Own Faery Garden - Part One

Well today is the first day of July, also the new moon in Cancer cycle starts today, and when I walked outside to greet the day, I spotted the first hibiscus bloom of the summer! Bright red and just gorgeous, and it has already started attracting hummingbirds. My two other hibiscus plants are about to burst as well, and when they do I'll post some pictures of them in all their tropical, fiery glory!

The first hibiscus bloom of the season in our garden

Whilst visiting my gardens, I also got a chance to say hello to the dragonfly that has been frequenting them and got a pretty good close-up...

Anywho, let's get on to starting your very own faery garden! All the beauty of the season has inspired me to start my own, so I am going to take you through it step by step and explain how to you can do it in your own garden, no matter what the size. The first step is to pick a spot in your garden specifically dedicated to the fae, or if you're like me you can choose to place it all in a flower pot to keep it all in one tight organized and moveable location...

Front stoop with a blank slate faery garden pot, just waiting to be filled!

The second step is to cleanse the area, smuding works good for this purpose or hosing it down with water works too. Bless the soil and imbue it with you intention of attracting benevolent faefolk to your garden to grace you with their lovely presence and keep watch over it.

The third step is to rumage around your house, garden, sheds, yard sales, antique shops, just anywhere you can find diminutive objects that you can decorate your faery garden with. Anything that strikes you will do as long as it makes you think of the fae. My daughter is one of my biggest inspirations, and she is always "helping" me outside while I work in the gardens...

Olivia Fae, just under 4 months old

In my following blog posts, I will go through the rest of the steps with you all as I create my garden, including what kind of plants to attract the fae to your garden. Stay tuned! ~Fae blessings~ xxx

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