August 1st is the traditional Gaelic festival of Lughnasadh (aka Lammas). It marks the time of the first harvest of the season. The summer sun is waning as he distributes his life-giving energy into the fruits, vegetables and grain that we are harvesting to last us through the cold, long winter. Traditionally this day was celebrated by baking bread with the first of the harvested grain, partaking in grand feasts (wonder why this day was often referred to as the Witches' Thanksgiving?!) and holding hand-fastings. A simple way we can keep this celtic tradition alive is to bake bread (or corn bread) in the shape of the sun, signifying God, and "sacrificing" or eating it and giving thanks for all he offers. Make sure to leave a small offering on your altar or outdoors, showing thanks for all the blessings nature and the fae have bestowed on us throughout the year.
...As I look out my window today, I see the first of the turning leaves already speckling my yard with yellow and orange. (Living in a very wooded community, I am relieved that we got a leaf blower last year as I can already tell that it will be getting a lot of use pretty soon.) Reflecting on the year thus far, I cannot believe how quickly it has passed. It seems as if the solstice just occured, when indeed it was 6 weeks ago! Sitting outside last night, the oppressive humidity seemed to have let up at least for the time-being and the stillness in the air I felt was like the earth Mother taking a deep breath, and holding it in before releasing, much like how we figuratively have one foot in summer and one foot in autumn. It is quite magnificent to sit and enjoy this resting period as it only lasts a short time, and soon the harvest season will be in full swing, and we will all be wearing hoodies and scarves, and making trips to the local pumpkin patch and planning for Thanksgiving!... For now though, I will take in the offerings of the season, as it is best to live in the moment without dwelling too strongly on the past or future. I urge you all to do the same and have a festive and relaxing first harvest. ~*Blessings of the wee folk to you and your's today*~